Thursday, December 10, 2009

Climate Skeptics vs. Scientific Consensus

I’m always looking for the most credible sources to write from and I especially appreciate a good depiction of information.

Today's letter is a follow up to my last post: "The Oil Sands and Al Gore: Blacklisted? - Oil Sands Threaten to Destroy the Planet”

The climate change debate seems to be heating up and we’re seeing more and more news for both sides of the camp.

This decade is on track to become the warmest since records began in 1850, and 2009 could rank among the top-five warmest years, the U.N. weather agency reported on the second day of a pivotal 192-nation climate conference.

What do you think is causing the warm-up? Is it human activity on the planet, or a natural cycle?

From the Wall Street Journal: “ Are Humans Responsible for Climate Change?”

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